A Manifesto for Educated Labor

The following tract written by the Coordinating Conmittee of the
Contesting Cadres ("known as "C,4")t an organization of radical
engineers, 1500 of eaeZyg^e at on the night of 20
Contesting Cadres ("known as "C,4")t an organization of radical
engineers, 1500 of eaeZyg^e at on the night of 20
declared themselves ready and willing to;
- Join the strikes which been or be started in their firms
- Participate in the struggle develop all the forms thereof
- Commit themselves to give one of pay per of strike
- Join the strike or the action in their neighborhood.
This unprecedented support for worker student struggles had cau8esf art-
iculated in tract below.
This unprecedented support for worker student struggles had cau8esf art-
iculated in tract below.
Entitled Manifesto^ it is a protest against the specific forms of aliena-
tion experienced by managerial personnel in modern capitalist society. Their
objective is to create a society in which would be more than "consumer"
and economic life would be democratized.
tion experienced by managerial personnel in modern capitalist society. Their
objective is to create a society in which would be more than "consumer"
and economic life would be democratized.
The tract exists in at least different forme. The text translated
here is that issued by the Worker-Student Action Committee of the Sorbonnet which
claims to rewritten it from a draft submitted by the executives. The re-
sulting tract presumably more radical than the original draft, 2500
here is that issued by the Worker-Student Action Committee of the Sorbonnet which
claims to rewritten it from a draft submitted by the executives. The re-
sulting tract presumably more radical than the original draft, 2500
said to have been printed on 24,
The other version is a printed one issued by the Coordinating Comnittee of
Contesting Cadres^ on 20, This version differs only slightly but in
respect significantly: the "C.4" consumer society in America and Russia
Contesting Cadres^ on 20, This version differs only slightly but in
respect significantly: the "C.4" consumer society in America and Russia
by side,
* Cf, The fascicule of the Revolutionary Action Comnittee of the Sorbonne^ p. S2.
** Cf, Journal:de la .oongnne^epu^f^mte_. p. 384.
** Cf, Journal:de la .oongnne^epu^f^mte_. p. 384.

is deafly a problem of which I solve. It
likely, C.A.R.S. en in its
history of tract is as it, witlt "C.4"
a final by C.A.R.S* that in original
draft, the "fcadf not 80 /ar as to challenge of
<3/ capitalist economy". The ohal-
it. If our is cowect, "C.4" would
radioalisation of their preferred it to original* Iww-
, a disclaimer as fay ae the Soviet Union is

The student movement has given rise, among a large number of
cadres, to a new analysis both of their mission in the company and of the goals
of the consumer society which they, consciously or not, help to build.
cadres, to a new analysis both of their mission in the company and of the goals
of the consumer society which they, consciously or not, help to build.
For these cadres, the student movement represents a fundamental
contestation of the nature of our society. The verbal excesses to which this
contestation may have led only express the amplitude of the problem posed. The
cadres believe that they have an important role to play in formulating the bases
and structures of a Society which would make of man something other than a
simple consumer.
contestation of the nature of our society. The verbal excesses to which this
contestation may have led only express the amplitude of the problem posed. The
cadres believe that they have an important role to play in formulating the bases
and structures of a Society which would make of man something other than a
simple consumer.
Such a revolution requires:
a) The elaboration of an original society, going beyond those that
are generally proposed: this society "will have as its fundamental characteristic
that of being built for and by the 'wage-earners who are its driving elements.
are generally proposed: this society "will have as its fundamental characteristic
that of being built for and by the 'wage-earners who are its driving elements.
b) The elaboration of concrete solutions for the democratization of
management and of the general economic decision making process. The goal of
fulfillment of the personality, in work as well as in leisure, must be substituted
for the usual goals of profitability and expansion.
management and of the general economic decision making process. The goal of
fulfillment of the personality, in work as well as in leisure, must be substituted
for the usual goals of profitability and expansion.
As a short-term objective one must call into question (just as one
must for society as a "whole) the unions and political organizations traditionally
charged with defending and expressing the aspirations of the salaried world.
must for society as a "whole) the unions and political organizations traditionally
charged with defending and expressing the aspirations of the salaried world.
Conscious of the fact that the struggle begun at the University cannot
be -waged successfully without the movement spreading to all economic sectors,
the "Committee" proposes:
be -waged successfully without the movement spreading to all economic sectors,
the "Committee" proposes:
- To participate with the students in changing educational methods
and structures,
and structures,
- To introduce theory and action into the professional milieu.
A Manifesto for Educated Labor