Category: Booklets

The booklets in this section offer a cross section of reflection on the Events from many perspectives. Several items illustrate the unprecedented involvement of the employed middle strata in the Events, notably film makers and architects. Analysis of this phenomenon is represented by a booklet on "Les Etudiants, les Cadres, et la Révolution." The "Université Critique" pamphlet was prepared by Law students and shows the depth and seriousness of the movement for university reform. At the other end of the political spectrum of the movement, "Mai '68" is a presentation by the authors of leaflets advocating self-managing socialism and distributed for the most part in factories. "Les Murs ont la Parole" is a collection of graffiti from the walls of Paris and displays the creativity and humor of the students and their allies. "Nous Sommes en Marche" begins with the influential early manifesto entitled "The Amnesty of Blinded Eyes." The group which issued that document continued to meet and record its reflections throughout May, eventually issuing this interesting collection. The "Livre Noir" documents the violent suppression of the movement. Other items in this section give insight into the reaction of the unions, the Communist Party, and various political sects.

30 items found.

1Internationale situationiste1967
2Niveau 305/1968
3Analyses et Documents18/05/1968
4Analyses et Documents05/1968
5Analyses et Documents05/1968
7Les termoignages sur la repression05/1968;06/1968
8Architecture mouvement continuite05/1968
9Université Critique06/1968
10Les etudiants, les cadres et la revolution01/1969
11Clarte05/1968; 06/1968
12Mai 6805/1968;06/1968
13Nous sommes en marche05/1968;06/1968
1413 mai: 10 ans et apres06/1968
15Elections bourgeoises ou action revolutionnaire?17/06/1968
16De la misere en mileu etudiant11/1966;1967
17Le mouvement étudiant05/1968
18Parti pris06/1968
19Apres mai 1968 les plans de la bourgeoisie et le mouvement révolutionnaire1969
20Aux travailleursUnknown
21Les syndicats dans la vie de l'etat01/1963
22Notre revolution sera-t-elle pacifique?Unknown
23La revolution trahie de 19681968
25Revolte edudiante mouvement politique chute du pouvoir?23/05/1968
26Trois continents un meme ennemi un seul combat un monde nouveau….1968
27Le livre noir des journées de mai1968
28Les murs ont la parole05/1968
30Noir et Rouge: Cahiers d'études anarchistes, no.4105/1968